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Pictor Acadmey


For young children in particular, music can be extremely valuable in enhancing personal, social and educational development. Although research is going on all the time into the effects of music on children, active music making is thought to be linked with benefits such as better language and mathematical ability, improved results at school, better-adjusted social behaviour, and even improvements in spatial reasoning.
At Longford Park School we use some of our pupil premium money to employ specialist music services to ensure high quality music provision and sustainable access to music for our pupils. Alongside weekly class sessions, pupils have the opportunity to participate in additional music tuition, such as cornet, ukulele, recorder, singing or keyboards.  We also have a school choir which the older children are able to participate in if they wish to.

Children have regular opportunities to perform to their class group, whole school during assemblies and our wider school community during Christmas and Summer events. The participation, performance and enjoyment aspects are invaluable for our pupils.

Longford Park School Song

This song was released Sept 2017 for the launch of the schools core values "Believe . Belong . Become".  All pupils at the time were involved in the singing and songwriting of this produced piece and the current pupils at the school continue to sing in our assesmblies.


We believe in ourselves and each other

We all belong in our community

Everyone becomes the best they can be


We hope you enjoy it!

Longford Park School Song - Released Sept 2017

Sing-a-long to our Song!

Music Curriculum Guide

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