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Pictor Acadmey


Aims and Purposes

The Computing curriculum should offer opportunities for our children to:

 • Woven into all areas of the curriculum and provide children with transferable skills within these subject areas.

• Develop their understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science.

 • Develop their skills in using hardware and software to manipulate information in their process of problem solving, recording and expressive work;

• Develop a high-quality computing education which equips them to understand and change the world through computational thinking that will enable them to participate effectively and safely in the digital world.

• Develop their understanding of how digital systems work and to become digitally literate individuals through understanding that computers and technology are a part of everyday life.

• Explore their attitudes towards ICT, its value for themselves, others and society, and their awareness of its advantages and limitations.


Longford Park School will:

• Ensure students across Longford Park School will be exposed to the understanding of internet safety as they explore the world around them and how technology is an everyday part of their learning and understanding of the world.

• Continually ensure e-safety is discretely taught each term by class teachers, through assemblies and through parent partnership training annually.

• Ensure internet access is planned to enrich and extend learning activities across the curriculum. Eg ensure that all pupils are responsible and safe users of the Internet and other communication technologies both in school and outside.

•In conjunction with the local authority, procedures are in place to ensure the usage by all users is monitored to comply with safe usage requirements.


Computing Curriculum Guide

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