At Longford Park School, we see Science as the practical study of the physical and biological world. It does not deal with abstractions but concentrates on what the child observes in his immediate environment. The world is a very complex place and the main aim is to increase the child’s understanding of its phenomena.
The process skills that we encourage in Science justify themselves. These skills help to develop the child as a whole. The gradual building up of a framework of concepts will help a child to make sense of his experiences. We see the children as developing a rational way of finding out about their world. In this we encourage the development of a willingness and ability to seek and use evidence; fostering skills and attitudes necessary for investigation. In our objective of delivering science in the National Curriculum we see it playing an integral part of the whole curriculum, where possible we believe the skills and concepts taught in one subject should be used in others.
We hope for children to achieve their curriculum targets through the five principles of scientific enquiry – Observation over time, fair test, classifying, pattern seeking and research. We hope through this children should establish skills in observation, measurement, classification, collation, communication, investigation, prediction, problem-solving, questioning and reasoning, revising hypotheses, controlling variables, interpreting data, experimentation and evaluation, recognising a fair test. Also, developing and encouraging curiosity, questioning, originality, creativity and inventiveness, perseverance, open-mindedness, self-criticism, responsibility and safety. On top of all this, a willingness to co-operate, independence of thought, sensitivity to their environment and that of others.
The 2014 National Curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:
● Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
● Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
● Are equipped with the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. We understand that it is important for lessons to have a skills-based focus, and that the knowledge can be taught through this.
Teaching strategies and Techniques Teachers will use a combination of strategies:
➢ First-hand experiences, including visits from relevant scientific experts;
➢ A mixture of individual, group and whole-class teaching;
➢ Planned and appropriate groupings of pupils for tasks. In this we will be aware of the requirements of children with Special Educational Needs and expected outcomes will differ according to these needs;
➢ We aim to use good oral techniques to set the scene and to explain tasks to the whole class or to a group;
➢ We will provide opportunities for children to raise questions about their tasks of activities and for the teacher to listen to the pupils;
➢ Use of visual aids;
➢ Use of Information Technology;
➢ Use of scientific resources to aid enquiry work and understanding of scientific concepts;
➢ We will, through skilful questioning, encourage the children to think and use knowledge already required;
➢ Science learning over the course of a topic will be displayed on Science Working Walls;
➢ Close observation of children’s work and of children at work to help with assessment and regular monitoring of children’s progress;
➢ Use of science working walls to promote pupils’ retention of scientific vocabulary and to chart the learning journey of a particular topic;
➢ Whole school science events e.g. Celebration of British Science Week Assemblies, science enquires taking place across a morning,
Working Scientifically

At Longford Park School, we intend to encourage children to develop a sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness through their scientific study. Teachers ensure that the Working Scientifically skills are built-on and developed throughout a child’s time at the school. This is to enable them to apply their scientific knowledge when conducting experiments and using equipment, constructing arguments and discussing and explaining concepts with confidence. They are continually encouraged to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings.