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Pictor Acadmey

School Meals

The cost of a school meal is currently £2.40 per day (£12.00 per week) and should be paid in advance of the coming week on a Monday to the school office.  We accept payments by cash or cheque and we now accept online payment method via a website named Parentpay. If you have not received your activation code please call the school office and they will supply it. If you would like to pay for a term, please talk to the school office who can advise of the cost.

If you would like to change your child's meal pattern from school meal to packed lunch (or vice versa) please give the school office one weeks notice, this will allow the kitchen staff to make appropriate preparations and our systems to be updated.

Healthy Eating
Our school believes that children should have the confidence, skills, knowledge and understanding to make healthy food choices.

Our school cook, produces delicious school dinners that are tasty, healthy and nutritious. A two course meal is provided every day consisting of a main course and pudding, a vegetarian option is always available along with a salad bar, jacket potatoes and fresh fruit.  

Since April we have been following Mellor's Meat Free Monday menu - "Our aim in having a Meat Free Monday is to eat healthy meals whilst raising awareness on how we can all help the planet and be responsible global citizens".
Children who bring packed-lunch should be provided with healthy, well-balanced lunch.


ParentPay is our online system that allows parents/carers to pay for school meals via the internet. If you would like any further information please contact the school office on 0161 5323253.

The website address for ParentPay is www.parentpay.com.


We are proud that Longford Park School has been awarded a food hygiene rating of 5 which reflects the very good standards of hygiene in our school kitchen. The award acknowledges the continuing hard work of our kitchen staff to provide the highest standards of care for our pupils.


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