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Pictor Acadmey

What is the Leading Parent Partnership Award ?

Leading Parent Partnership Award – LPPA


We are working hard towards achieving the Leading Parent Partnership Award.  The purpose of this nationally recognised award is to help focus the school’s work with parents and families.


During this process we hope to build on the many strengths the school already has with parents.  We want to provide opportunities for parents to have a voice in everyday school life.  At Longford Park School we want to do everything we possibly can to help parents and families support their children.


Work to achieve this award started in March 2015 and hope to achieve the accreditation during academic year 2016/2017.


The LPPA consists of ten evidence-based Objectives which schools must meet to get the award.


1.   The school demonstrates a commitment to work towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

2.   The school makes and implements effective plans to achieve and maintain the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

3.   The school is a welcoming and friendly place for parents.

4.   The school promotes an awareness of and participation in lifelong learning opportunities available in school and in the community to all groups of parents.

5.   The school holds and actively promotes enrichment opportunities or events for joint parent/child participation.

6.   The school provides good induction for all new parents.

7.   The school provides parents with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them support their children’s learning.

8.   The school produces and implements parent friendly policies to establish effective home school-links and improve pupil/student attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress and positive participation in school.

9.   The school provides good support for transition for parents when their children leave the school.

10. The school evaluates performance against the Leading Parent Partnership Award.


So what is the award?

The LPPA is a nationally recognized award achievable by schools who work very closely with the families of their pupils.  The assessment is made by an external advisor.


What difference will the award make to the work done with families at Longford Park School?

It will make our work with families even better.  It will improve our communication and build more activities for families in school.  As you know we are always trying to improve and completing this award will help us do that!


How can families help us gain the award?


• Read all information that we send out
• Come along to events we organize if you are able
• Complete any questionnaires we send out as honestly as you can


The LPPA working party is now well established and they meet regularly to work on their action plan and gather the evidence needed to gain the award.


A BIG thank you to all those parents/carers who have taken the time to complete forms and questionnaires.


We will keep you up-to-date of our progress!


Thank you for your support. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


Mrs H Bonsall

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