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Pictor Acadmey

English - Including our Phonics Programme & Reading Scheme

At Longford Park the curriculum is designed to recognise children’s existing knowledge. Within English, teachers ensure pupil’s previous LPS levels are scrutinised and correctly identified.  From their starting point, pupil’s progress will be evident over time through at least three lessons delivered and recorded per week. Through planning, pupils are given the opportunity to consistently relate back to previous learning related to their current theme and through carefully considered and personalised, first-hand learning experiences, we allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers. The way English is delivered evidences pupil’s interests and their book reflects that any barriers to learning have been addressed.  English lessons are planned, through the use of quality text, to offer opportunities for pupils to develop their social skills, their ability to communicate and work cooperatively with their peers. Where possible cross-curriculum links are made to the wider curriculum. By engaging and motivating pupils in this way, it will inspire pupils to make connections to the wider world and the relevance Literacy skills hold. 


English Curriculum Guide

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