Pictor Academy
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Pictor Acadmey



Thank you for showing an interest in our school. We are a small, specialist setting on the boundary of the Manchester/Trafford areas. 


At Longford Park School, our core values underpin all we do. They are:

I believe in myself and others.

I belong to the school’s community.

I become the very best I can be.


Our school is very different to a mainstream school, as we have fewer pupils, who all have complex needs that cannot be met in a mainstream environment. Unfortunately, we do not accept parental requests for places. All places at LPS for pupils with EHCP’s are allocated via Trafford's EHC Team. We also have a small number of PRU places for pupils who have been permanently excluded from their mainstream setting. 


All pupils at Longford Park School have primary identified social, emotional and mental health needs. In addition, many have had Adverse Childhood Experiences. Approaches to support our pupils requires a firm yet fair approach, to ensure both the safety of the child and of others. Clear boundaries and high expectations are key. 


Our school's ethos is to ensure we truly understand each of our pupils and to do this, we need to understand and support each family as well. As well as supporting pupils with their understanding of emotional well-being and mental health, we also have high academic aspirations for our pupils. We follow the National Curriculum and invest all we can in ensuring pupils have the knowledge, ability and skills to experience future success and we hope they will all remain life-long learners. 


It truly is an honour to work with such a gifted staff team, who invest so much of themselves in the support and care they offer our pupils. Our wonderful pupils and their fantastic families bring us great joy. 


Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more about our very special school. 


Kind regards,


Ms Sara Waite

Head of School

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