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Pictor Acadmey

E-Safety - Keeping Safe Whilst Online

Safety on the internet

This of great importance to the school.  


The internet is always changing, and being able to keep up to date with your children’s use of technology can be a challenge, especially if you feel that your children may have better technical skills than you do. However, children and young people still need support and guidance when it comes to managing their lives online and using the internet positively and safely.


We believe that as a pupil of Longford Park School, your child needs the knowledge, skills and tools to understand and harness the power of the Internet.


When your child uses the Internet in school, you can be assured that through our security and filtering technologies, their browsing will be safe and secure. However, when they are browsing the Internet at home, things may not be as safe and secure. 


Some points for safe practice at home are: -


  • Buy internet safety software for your computer and use good filtering software.

  • Sit down and discuss online safety.  Come to an agreement about what activities are okay and what aren't

  • Ensure personal information isn't published, including private thoughts, full name or any other identity information, age, address or school name

  • Take care that children they don't publish any photos of themselves, friends or family

  • Check that you know what your children are doing online and who they are talking to

  • Parents should ask their children to teach them how to use any applications you are not familiar with. You can't keep track of what they’re doing if you don’t understand it.

  • The family computer and any internet games consoles should be set-up in a public room so you can monitor your children's online activities.


We have number of policies relating to e-safety, please see our policy page for how we keep pupils safe when using IT (Information Technology) in school.  In particular our e-Safety Policy, Behaviour, Anti-Bullying Policy & Safeguarding Policies.


Please follow the links for advice and guidance on how you can help to educate your child to stay safe online.

Useful Links

Thinkuknow – A website which provides you with guidance on protecting your child online.

Wise Kids – WISE KIDS works with parents, carers, teachers, children’s services, educators, police officers, mental health practitioners and other professionals interested in young people’s online and digital media use, digital literacy and safety.

KidSMART – A useful website to start exploring advice about internet safety.

Childnet – Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a safe place for children.

KnowItAll – A set of useful resources for parents, students and teachers about internet safety.

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