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Pictor Acadmey


Longford Park School pupil cohort mostly consists of full time pupils with education, health and care plans (EHCP). A small number of pupils are placed at Longford Park School on a Pupil Referral placement following exclusion from their mainstream school. Sometimes pupils may attend on a step-out placement, these pupils do not usually have an EHCP but require short-stay support whilst remaining in their mainstream schools. 

The admissions criterion for pupils is determined by Trafford Local Authority and requests for placements are sent directly from them to Longford Park School.

Trafford Local Authority has formulated their School Admissions Scheme in accordance with School Admissions (Coordination of Admission Arrangements)(England) Regulations 2008 which came into force on February 10th 2009.


For information on our admissions procedures, please click the link below to visit our Policies page.  You can find our Admissions Policy document under Trust-Wide Policies.

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