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Pictor Acadmey

School Blog

Here you will find the link to our Blog.

Blogging is a great way for our pupils to use Information Technology (IT) to express themselves.


What is a blog?

A weblog, or blog for short, is a website on which items are posted on a regular basis.  Our pupils will post blog entries, some may be based on their opinions and learning from class lessons, or some will be like an online diary.  The posts will then be available for others to comment on.  A typical blog will combine text, images and links to other blogs or web pages.


Aims of our blog?

We hope that blogging will help our pupils develop confidence, improve their self-expression and get a real sense of fulfilment from publishing their work.  Here are some of the key outcomes for our pupils we are striving for by blogging:


  • Develop confidence

  • Improve self expression

  • Experience a sense of fulfilment and pride from publishing their work

  • Create multicultural links

  • Practice Reading and Writing skills

  • Give independence

  • Stimulate creativity

  • Achieve a sense of empowerment by the knowledge that others know their views on a topic.


Safety on the internet

This of great importance to the school.  We have number of policies relating to e-safety.  Please see our policy page for how we keep pupils safe when using IT (Information Technology) in school.  Please be assured that all pupil submissions to our blog have to be approved by their class teacher before they can be published.  Some points for safe practice at home are: -


  • Buy internet safety software for your computer and use good filtering software.

  • Sit down and discuss online safety with your children and come to an agreement about what activities are okay and what aren't

  • Ensure they don't publish any personal information, including their private thoughts, full name (make sure they always use a blog name/nickname), age, address or school name

  • Take care that they don't publish any photos of themselves, friends or family

  • Check that you know what your children are doing online and who they are talking to

  • Ask them to teach you how to use any applications you have never used before. You can't keep track of what they’re doing if you don’t understand it.

  • Put your family computer and any internet games consoles in a public room so you can monitor your children's online activities.





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