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Pictor Acadmey

Pupil Premium

Schools receive additional funding for any pupils who have been eligible for free school meals during the last six years; pupils who are looked after by the local authority or who are in care and for pupils from families where a parent serves in the armed forces. This money is known as the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG).


If you think your child may be eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant, even if they are no longer eligible for free school meals, please contact the school office.



Details of how Longford Park School plan to use pupil premium funding  in 2024/25 can be found in the strategy below. 

ILongford Park Special School of the Year - Pupil Premium Awards 2013

During the Pupil Premium Awards in 2013, Longford Park School was very proud to receive the award of Special School of the Year from Mr Clegg at Whitehall.  We were recognised for the progress of our pupils who were eligible for the pupil premium grant and presented with a trophy and £10,000 funding.  This was invested in new school resources and research into further improving the outcomes for this body of students.




Special School of the Year - Pupil Premium Award 



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